Feeling Scared, Feeling Silly, Feeling Excited

August 31, 2021  •  Leave a Comment

Have you every stepped out and tried something - even though it was little scary?  When I was younger, I was so shy - always concerned about feeling a little silly; about being embarrassed for doing something that might be laughed at by someone....

As I've gotten older, I have realized that opportunities are too precious to ignore - that stepping out and trying something new is a gift, an adventure!  Adventures can sometimes lead to great moments, new discoveries and building great memories.  Why would I want to miss out on that?

"Lisa Carlon Photography" is definitely an adventure that I am excited about, despite feeling a little nervous, a little silly, and even a little scared.  I jumped out of my comfort zone and have learned so much in the last several months working on this project!  Now, the time has finally come to share it with others.  Quite some time ago, I set a goal of September 1 as the date I would share this site.  Am I ready - have I done everything I had planned?  No....there is always more to do...but sometimes (I think) you just have to go ahead and JUMP!  So.......here we go!

One more thing:
When I was a student at College of the Ozarks in Point Lookout, MO, I was a student worker in the Education Department working for Dr. Ruth Anderson and Dr. O. Ray Gibson.  At that time, the department offices were housed upstairs in the Jones building.  On the first floor was the Boger Gallery - a gallery including everything from paintings to photography to unique sculpted and designed art forms.  It was the first art gallery I had ever visited, and I loved the experience.  Instead of rushing to the dining hall after work, I would often walk through the gallery to see the different examples of art displayed there.  Sometimes when I was stressed or the day was particularly hectic, I would go for a quick walk and wander through the gallery.  Even though I was not an art major, it fascinated me - the beauty and expression of each person's unique works.  It was calming, challenging, enjoyable, and enlightening. I was captivated. 

Fast forward (many years!) until today... I hope this online experience will be a nice place for you to visit frequently as well - that it will be a place you can enjoy.  I have many things planned for this project.  Please stop by often - and take a moment to pause and comfortably browse the different images displayed.  If you like, read the stories and descriptions written for each one. Perhaps pretend you are walking through a physical gallery and enjoy a few quiet moments of respite to view glimpses of other places, of the grace, blessings, and beauty surrounding us every day....

I'm so glad you are here. 

P.S.  A HUGE THANK YOU to so many of you who have encouraged me in my photography with your words and comments through the years.  It takes some time to stop and let someone know you enjoy their work - but please know it is always so enjoyed and appreciated.  

By the way, if you're ever in southwest Missouri or especially the Branson area, stop by and visit the Boger Gallery. It's still located on the first floor of the Jones building, open to the public, and a wonderful exhibition to visit!  In fact, one of my favorite professors, Dr. Anne Allman, still teaches in the Art Department.  If you've never been to C of O, the entire campus is gorgeous - plan on spending a day.  There is much to see and do!


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